
Medical Imaging Workstations Means More Effectiveness

The medical imaging workstation is situated in the field of information technology and has become an essential device in the clinical workflow of radiology departments. The images produced by digital x-ray computed radiography, direct digital radiography, computed tomography (CT) scanner, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, ultrasound or any of the other digital imaging tools are stored in the medical imaging’s workstation’s PACS (or picture archiving and communication system), and then may be retrieved, viewed and worked on, according to need.

The medical imaging workstation system was created in order to provide more economical and efficient storage of images, while giving quick access to rapid image retrieval, reports from multiple modalities and concurrent access from several different workstations at the same time. A PACS medical imaging workstation consists of four main mechanisms: imaging modalities such as CT and MRI, a protected system for the transmission of patient information, workstations for interpreting and reviewing images, and archives for the storage and retrieval of images and reports. Combined with already obtainable, as well as up-and-coming internet technology, PACS has the capability of distributing efficient, quick access to images, interpretations, and related data. PACS breaks down the physical and time barriers associated with traditional film-based image retrieval, distribution, and display, saving medical facilities both time and money.

In the past, before the existence of medical imaging workstations, everything had to be printed out on paper and film imaging necessitated expensive, toxic chemicals. In addition, thousands of patient records had to be stores in a hard copy format, which had to be organized and weren’t easy to access. Since PACS and other types of medical imaging workstations have been developed, medical facility efficiency has greatly improved, the time wasted on routine tasks has decreased and most importantly, the focus on caring for the patient has become easier as many tasks are automated.

This means that physicians and technicians consulting on a patient’s case can easily view the same images and communicate with each other. Most medical imaging workstations allow you to sort through thousands of digital images and work with the ones you want, while sharing them with others both onsite and offsite. Daily work can be backed-up and automatically and information from multiple workstations can be stored on a server both onsite and offsite.

Many medical imaging workstations also allow you to add text to digital images. High-resolution display monitors are used to guarantee high-quality presentation of the images, and a color display monitor is also available for use with the radiology information system (RIS), so that color images can be best viewed. The RIS part of the system allows you to schedule patients, order tests, and write reports, upgrading your radiology department for the ultimate in efficiency.

Obstetric Ultrasound Scanners Explained

Obstetric ultrasound scanning is an ultrasound imaging method designed to be used to augment physical examinations in the course of prenatal care. There are a large variety of uses for obstetric ultrasound, and this procedure has become a routine part of prenatal care for many women, especially women throughout Europe and North America. It has become quite common for parents to request print-outs of the images of their growing infant and the technician frequently prints out pictures for them to see and explains the fetus’s configuration as seen on screen to the parents, during the course of the obstetric ultrasound scan.

In obstetric ultrasound imaging, high-frequency sound waves are bounced off the body to create an accurate image of the inside of the uterus. Very high frequency sound waves of between 3.5 to 7.0 megahertz (3.5 to 7 million cycles per second) are normally used for this purpose. This is achieved by using a transducer which emanates waves and generates an image based on the length of the response time and the changes in frequency. The obstetric ultrasound results created can be either a still or moving image, with advanced technology being implemented to create three-dimensional ultrasound images which provide even more specific details. The obstetric ultrasound image may be acquired by covering the woman’s abdomen in a conductive gel and running the transducer along the belly, or by inserting the transducer into the vaginal canal to get a clearer image, which is known as a transvaginal ultrasound. The resulting image gives a picture of the uterus and its contents, along with adjacent body structures. These measurements outline the foundation in the assessment of gestational age, size and growth in the fetus. A full bladder is often compulsory for the procedure when abdominal scanning is done in the early stages of pregnancy. There may be some discomfort from pressure on the full bladder.

There are a wide variety of uses for obstetric ultrasound. Obstetric ultrasound imaging is customarily used to evaluate a pregnancy. This may include determining how far along the pregnancy is and confirming that the fetus is developing normally. Movements such as fetal heart beat and abnormalities in the fetus can be appraised and measurements can be made accurately based on the images displayed on the monitor. An ultrasound can also be used specifically to check for fetal malformations or problems, including a detached placenta. If a mother comes with pregnancy complications indicating fetal distress, obstetric ultrasound may be used as a diagnostic tool to check on the status of the baby without having to use invasive techniques which could jeopardize the pregnancy.

As there are various obstetric applications, different types of obstetric ultrasound probes are required, depending on which is indicated. If an obstetric ultrasound scanner model has fixed probes, then it may only be suitable for a limited subset of applications. For this reason, it is common for ultrasound systems to have interchangeable probes, and they frequently have more than one probe connection socket for the different applications.

Understanding Diffusion MRI

Diffusion MRI is a well-known and widely accepted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methodology which generates in vivo images of biological tissues weighted with the local microstructural characteristics of water diffusion, providing an effective way of visualizing functional connectivities in the nervous system. This relatively new and powerful imaging technology gives us further tools to study variations and development of normal brain anatomy, and diagnose disruption to the white matter in neurological disease or psychiatric disorder. Diffusion MRI helps us to better understand the structural organization of the brain through an identification of the neural connectivity patterns with the help of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging.

Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, boosted by established successes in clinical neurodiagnostics and powerful new applications for studying the anatomy of the brain in vivo, has been an important area of research in the past decade. Current clinical applications are based on many different types of contrast, such as contrast in relaxation times for T1- or T2-weighted MR imaging, in time of flight for MR angiography, in blood oxygen level dependency for functional MR imaging, and in diffusion for apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) imaging. Even more highly developed technologies than these are in use today for the study of brain connectivity and neural fiber tract anatomy.

Over the years, increasingly complex data acquisition schemes have been developed, while the theoretical foundations of diffusion MRI have come to be better understood. For the radiologist who wants to use these techniques in clinical practice and research, it is important to understand a few key principles of diffusion MRI, as follows:

A recent advance in MRI known as Diffusion MRI looks at the random motion of water particles in the body. This is particularly interesting when taking images of the brain, because water tends to move more along the directions of the connections inside the brain. These connections in the brain, known as "white matter", are crucial to keeping the brain working correctly. They are the pathways that carry information from one part of the brain to another, and if they are damaged, the brain cannot perform even the most simple tasks. Diffusion MRI is unique in its ability to study these pathways, based on how water flows along them.

There are many diseases that affect the white matter in the brain, and it can be very hard to understand exactly how the disease attacks the white matter, to predict how the disease will develop in a particular person, and to decide what the right treatment is for that person. Fortunately, because diffusion MRI is sensitive to changes in white matter, it is an excellent way of finding out about these diseases. For example, if the disease is breaking down the pathways, water stops moving along them, or leaks out of them, and diffusion MRI pinpoints this for diagnostic purposes.

Urodynamic Measuring Systems

Current economic conditions are affecting manufacturers of all types of medical equipment, including urodynamic measuring equipment. With the economy still on shaky ground and the fact that it is becoming more difficult to obtain bank loans Urologists, Gynecologists and urology clinics that have been considering purchasing new urodynamic equipment are considering other options including used or refurbished urodynamic equipment, or outsourcing to specialized urodynamic clinics.

Urodynamics refers to a group of procedures performed to examine voiding (urinating) disorders. The goal of the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders is to both protect kidney function and to keep the patient comfortable. Any procedure designed to provide information and/or diagnosis about a bladder problem is called a urodynamic test. The specific type of test is dependent on the patients’ symptoms. Urodynamic studies are performed when the patient has one of the following symptoms: frequent urination, incontinence or difficulties in emptying the bladder.

Urodynamic systems are used for the study of bladder and urethral functions using pressure and flow measurements. Urine flow testing is an essential part of urodynamic study, and flow meters are used for uroflowmetry, which is a test that measures the volume of urine released from the body, the speed with which it is released, and how long the release takes.

Urodynamic study usually includes some or all of the following measurements:

  • Filling cystometry - This test measures bladder capacity, bladder contractions and urinary leakage.
  • Voiding uroflometry - This test measures the strength of the urinary flow, as well as the amount of urine left in the bladder after voiding.
  • Urethral pressure study - This test measures the pressure and flow of urine out of the bladder, using a sensor placed in the urethra.
  • Video cystourethrography - This test helps to identify structural problems in the bladder or urethra. The bladder is filled with contrast fluid and X-rays are taken as the fluid is voided.
  • Electromyogram – This urodynamics test helps measure muscle contractions that control urination.

Urodynamic systems are usually designed to be portable and many are fitted with a cart and a computer monitoring system.

The Wonders of Digital Radiography

Digital radiography is one of the most important technological advancements in medical imaging over the last ten years. Using the radiographic films of the past in x-ray imaging is likely to become outmoded within a few years. Similar to the replacement of standard film cameras with digital cameras, digital radiography images can be immediately obtained, revised, if necessary and then sent to a network of computers.

The benefits of digital radiography are vast. To begin with, radiological facilities or departments can become filmless and the technician or physician can view the requested image on a desktop or a personal computer and often report a diagnosis within just a few minutes after the examination was performed. The images are no longer stored in a single location, but can be seen at the same time by physicians who are miles away from each other.

Another major advantage of digital radiography is that radiographic images can be viewed immediately, rather than having to wait for film to be developed. Many physicians and dentist feel that this benefit, alone, is enough to cause a medical facility to switch to using only digital radiography equipment.

Just as important and beneficial, is the ability to enhance images using digital radiography. Digital radiography lets the technician make the image lighter or darker, increase contrast, increase images, and make other changes to the original image to assist in easier diagnosis of any irregularities.

In addition, the patient can be given the x-ray images on a CD to take to another physician or hospital, thanks to digital radiography. Radiographic images can be stored for years and easily retrieved when needed, and from multiple locations. Digital radiography has been very helpful as huge patient files that are difficult to keep track of are no longer necessary.

It is also no longer necessary to weight the risks of x-rays, as it exposes the patient to radiation. Digital radiography has reduced the amount of radiation the patient is exposed to by 70-80%, which is particularly important when multiple images are necessary in dental or medical applications.

A Look at Digital Mammography Systems

Designed to produce radiographic images of the breast, mammography x-ray systems are primarily used for breast cancer screening, staging and grading, and pinpointing specific diagnoses in patients displaying symptoms. Most mammographs show magnified views of the breast, as well as spot images. Special stereotactic attachments facilitate performing stereotactic biopsy procedures. Digital mammography images can be achieved either by a full-field digital detector, or by using CR cassettes and a CR reader. Also, a small-sized digital detector can be integrated into an analogue mammography for image spotting and for of guiding stereotactic biopsies.

The major components of a mammography system are:
  • The pedestal support for the tube, the breast platform and the cassette holder or detector
  • The X-ray tube assembly, including the collimator and the filters to reduce low energy radiation
  • The breast-holding platform and compression paddle
  • The detector or cassette holder
There are several benefits of using digital radiography:
  • More efficient storage of and access to images
  • Fewer retakes
  • Better visualization of dense breasts
  • Availability of image post-processing and image manipulation

Clinical studies have been reported and generally suggest that digital mammography provides either equal or better imaging performance than film or screen imaging. Digital mammography systems usually have a deeper dynamic range. It is important to note that pixel size is not a good indicator of spatial resolution, as the noise and blurring effects in the detector system can have a significant effect on resolution. In addition, different types of detector technologies have different noise and blurring characteristic.

The user interface should enable full visualization of image data. Standard imaging processing typically includes:

  • Magnification, zoom and roam functionalities
  • Window and leveling (contrast and brightness)
  • Image flip and rotation
  • Edge enhancement and noise reduction
  • Black/white inversion

How to Choose an Operating Room Table

Finding the right operating room table is essential, as operating room tables are one of the most important components in operating rooms, as they provide the support to the patient during surgeries

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when looking for operating room tables:

  • Operating room tables should be planned ergonomically
  • Operating room tables need to be safe and adjustable for all sizes and shapes of patients
  • Operating room tables need to be designed to suit the surgical specialties they will be used for

There are two basic types of operating room table systems: fixed base and mobile table. The fixed base operating room table has a number of different tabletops that can be fitted to the fixed pedestal. The patient is placed onto a tabletop, which is then placed on a cart to wheel the patient into the operating room where the tabletop is then attached to the pedestal.

The mobile operating room tables have a permanently attached tabletop on a movable base that has wheels and brakes. The patients are placed on the operating room table and wheeled into the operating room. The base and wheels are locked during surgical surgery, so that it can’t move.

The top of the operating room table should be made out of rigid material, transparent to x-rays and stable enough to carry very heavy people. The mattress is also important: it needs to be removable, washable, and antistatic, made of a pressure-redistributing material, to avoid the development of pressure ulcers and bed sores.

The Advantages of Home Hemodialysis

For patients with advanced kidney disease, Hemodialysis is a life-saving process of renal replacement therapy, used to replace kidney functioning that has been compromised or lost. The Hemodialysis devices imitate the way the damaged or impaired kidneys are supposed to work, taking over their job of cleaning the blood of waste products and excess solutes, while restoring the essential solutes in the blood to an acceptable level.

The dialysis system pumps purified water and electrolytes through tubes to the dialyzer. The waste products are removed by the Hemodialysis system and an electronic detector monitors the outgoing liquid for possible blood seepage.

During the process, the patient's blood is cleaned of waste and excess water. The waste products from the patient's blood pass through a semi- permeable membrane into the dialysis fluid. It is a diffusive process maintained by a constant state of unequal levels of solute concentrate, and waste products are removed from the blood and refilled from the elecrolytes in the dialysis fluid.

An internal computer is built into the Hemodialysis system, which facilitates the blood and dialysis fluid delivery systems to deliver the necessary amount, and for the treatment to be monitored. Alarms go off to alert the healthcare professional or patient to check the system if adjustment is required. An integrated microprocessor also allows treatment data to be recorded and stored for observation purposes.

Hemodialysis machines are built specially to be protected from extreme temperatures, spilled liquid, leakage, power interruptions, etc.

Home Hemodialysis encourages independence as self-care/ independent care means patients are taking responsibility for their own health by becoming dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and avoiding illness, commonly pertinent to the management of long-term or serious medical conditions. Self-care Hemodialysis does not have to be essentially carried out in the patient's home as renal centers and satellite units enable patients to self-manage their treatment in centers with support, with clinical assistance available, if needed.

To carry out Hemodialysis at home, the patient and/or a helper or spouse learns to use the system, take an accurate blood pressure reading, and to replace needles and attach the dialysis lines independently, as necessary. Doing Hemodialysis at home offers a large number of advantages, including more flexibility to tailor the dialysis regimen by changing timing or length of sessions, making it easier for the patient to lead a normal life. Home-based Hemodialysis is also more cost-effective than hospital treatment and improves the quality-of-life of the patients, allowing them more independence and empowering their choices.

Before home Hemodialysis is considered, it is important to carefully explore the patient’s home environment and if there is suitable space for the equipment near the main water and drainage area of the house. The water pressure and quality also must be within suitable limits. All electrical wiring must be checked and other conditions in the home may need updating.

Patient/Hemodialysis machine interaction is an important consideration. Home Hemodialysis machines have a number of options which enable the patient to more easily more easily use the machine, such as height and positioning.

Making sure the Hemodialysis patient is aware of all support systems available will strengthen their ability to trust that they can take care of their own healthcare needs as much as possible, so they can be independent and live a full and fulfilling life.

Conventional Linear Accelerators

Radiotherapy works by targeting high-energy gamma ray or electron beam onto cancer cells, which are more prone to radiation damage than the normal tissues. Linear accelerators are usually multi-modality ionizing radiation generators with associated imaging devices, currently used for delivery of external beam radiotherapy.

The contemporary linear accelerators provide either 6 MeV photons in the "low energy" range machines, or dual/triple photon energy and several electron energies.

The following systems are incorporated into the linear accelerators: multileaf collimator (MLC) for beam shaping, capability to deliver intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and a 3D image guidance system (IGRT). The linear accelerator also provides an electronic portal imaging system for imaging treatment beams.

Other additional features may be incorporated into the linear accelerators, such as: arc-based IMRT Delivery, total body irradiation, high-dose rate electrons, etc.

Despite the high capital cost of purchasing linear accelerators, their high patient throughput over a long lifespan makes them extremely cost–effective compared with the other treatment options.
The operation of linear accelerators should be according to the existing standards and regulations which include: IEC standards, radiation regulations, guidelines for radio therapy room design, etc.

Technical Considerations

The technology used in conventional linear accelerators is essentially the same for all linear accelerators. The high energy generation can be achieved either by implementing the "traveling waveguide technology" or by implementing the "standing waveguide technology". The first approach is simpler and very reliable, while the second approach features a more stable treatment beam. The generated radiation beam is flattened and shaped using collimation devices to form a beam matching the shape of the tumor. The wave guide, the filters and the collimator are mounted on a gantry which rotates around the patient, allowing the tumor to be irradiated from multiple directions. There is a linear accelerators patient coach especially designed to allow irradiation of the patient from multiple directions.

Modern linear accelerators are designed to enable intensity- modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). This is a dynamic radiotherapy delivery method which enables good control over the three-dimensional dose distribution: the delivered beam instead of being flat, changes the intensity at different points within the beam.

There are different types of linear accelerator IMRT delivery methods:

•Step and shoot method: this method consists of delivering a series of different shape fields formed by the MLC to build up a variable intensity pattern. The irradiation is stopped between each field.

•Dynamic MLC methods: in which the radiation runs constant, while the MLC leaves move across the field at variable speeds.

•Arc therapy methods: in which the radiation runs continuously and the gantry collimators and MLC leaves are all moving continuously. The dose rate also varies during the delivery. Treatments are delivered in an arc (or sometimes in two arcs). This is probably the best choice for IMRT.

The multileaf collimator is a delicate computer-controlled mechanism. The performance of the collimator depends on its resolution, the leakage radiation and the system penumbra.
The electronic portal imaging device allows verification of patient position on orthogonal two-dimensional images produced by the high-energy treatment beam. The detector used for the portal imaging consists of an amorphous silicon indirect detection flat panel imager.

The imager systems differ in the degree of complexity of software provided, as well as the ease of use.

The linear accelerators’ three-dimensional imaging systems can be materialized in three different ways:
1.Applying diagnostic x-ray cone beam, in plain or orthogonal to the linear accelerators’ high energy beam.
2.Using the high-energy treatment cone beam of the linear accelerator.
3.Using a CT machine combined with the linear accelerator.

Photons and Electron Energies

Typically, x-ray energies of 6 MeV are used for head and neck, breast and lung radiation. Abdominal treatments usually utilize 10 MeV x-ray. Large patients may require higher x-ray energies.
Electrons are usually required in the 6-15 MeV range. The total skin electron treatments require 4 MeV electrons.

Record and Verify Systems

In modern radiotherapy departments, the linear accelerators are operated using record and verify systems, which deliver the treatments, as well as make a record of them.

These systems are usually connected to the general information network, which allow a wide functionality, including booking and scheduling, recording of patient notes, recording costs, image handling etc.

MedWOW Meets the Challenge: Worldwide Belt-Tightening Strengthens the Used Medical Equipment Market

The international financial crisis has caused hospitals, medical, dental and veterinary clinics and other healthcare facilities to find creative solutions to maintaining and upgrading their medical equipment and devices, while keeping within the confines of their dwindling budgetary constraints., the leading global online marketplace for new and used medical equipment, was created to assist facilities with the purchase and sales of everything ranging from one device to the entire inventory of a hospital.

The MedWOW team has found that the demand for used medical devices is increasing steadily as many organizations are interested in upgrading their equipment; while others are closing and are being forced to sell off their inventories. In all situations, MedWOW is committed to making the transition as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Upgrades are accomplished through buying used and refurbished high-end equipment such as MRI’s, CT scanners, ambulances and ultrasound machines. MedWOW has also found that dental and veterinary sales are increasing, as spending power is maximized by buying less expensive, pre-owned equipment in good condition. With no immediate change in the economy on the horizon, MedWOW is showing thousands of institutions that it is possible to purchase excellent equipment with just the deatures they require, at a fraction of the cost it would cost them to buy newer devices.

MedWOW's value-added services are available 24/7 to assist people in their selling and buying, without compromising on quality or buying unneeded features. Rather than spending unnecessary hours searching online classified ads for the wanted medical equipment, MedWOW does it for you: saving you valuable time and money. MedWOW's multilingual sales and marketing staff is constantly upgrading their services, based on the feedback received from their thousands of customers. MedWOW's catalog consists of over 150,000 items of pre-owned and new medical devices (including complete systems, parts, and accessories); giving medical institutions access to medical equipment and special deals they may have otherwise not known about. Additionally, MedWOW’s international existence empowers facilities to profit by selling their existing equipment to institutions from all over the world, where it is crucial to acquire reliable equipment and it is not readily available without MedWOW's intervention.

Buying and Selling Brand New Medical Equipment Online

In today’s competitive market, sellers of brand new medical equipment often need to diversify into various marketing channels to get optimal exposure for their brands and items. These sellers cannot simply rely on corporate websites, or traditional advertising vehicles to increase sales. While these vehicles are an excellent way of reinforcing brand presence and awareness, often a more proactive approach is necessary when it comes to increasing the sales of brand new medical equipment.

One effective method to boost sales is targeting consumers while they are already shopping. In today’s day and age, many consumers have gone online for their medical equipment needs, particularly to ecommerce marketplaces. The reason for this shift is due to the simplicity and accessibility that these online marketplaces offer to consumers that are in the medical equipment market. Similarly, unlike offline vendors, ecommerce marketplaces typically offer a wide range of options by operating “one-stop-shop” platforms that are convenient for buyers and sellers alike., a global online marketplace for medical equipment, has recently seen an increasing demand for a platform that would enable the buying and selling of Brand New Medical Equipment. In response to this overwhelming demand, the site - which until a short time ago was only geared at the pre-owned medical equipment market, recently launched the capability of listing brand new medical equipment.

Brand new listings are posted using MedWOW’s sophisticated search engine and large medical equipment catalog, with over 30,000 devices (Increasing daily). These listings appear over a different background and border color, which make them stand out from other listings on the site. Additionally, each brand new item listing contains the seller’s logo, company name, contact details, and link to the item’s page on the seller’s website.

This new addition offers companies selling brand new medical equipment the opportunity to expand sales to international markets, since MedWOW is completely multilingual in 5 international languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic.

Learn more about Posting Brand New Medical Equipment on MedWOW

Find the True Market Value of Used Medical Equipment

If you have ever been interested in purchasing a used car, then you probably know how essential it is to check the market value for the specific vehicle model, in which you are interested. Since most people buy used cars due to economical considerations, it would be a rather uncalculated decision to go into a purchase blindly without having any background knowledge of market values. The same applies for the used medical equipment market. However, unlike the used car industry, market values in the used medical equipment industry are not so easily-accessible.

With the need for used medical equipment on the rise, there are endless options for medical institutions to choose from on the market. Although used equipment is a more cost-effective solution, health institutions must be clued-in with the price depreciation rates for every device that they are looking into, which can vary greatly from device to device and is not always very easily accessible. Nevertheless, the knowledge of such information is essential as it can prevent buyers from being overcharged by sellers, gives them greater negotiation leverage, and keeps their already limited capital free for other expenses., a leading global marketplace for pre-owned medical equipment has realized the need that exists in the used medical equipment industry to have access to true market values. In response, the site recently launched its Market Value Calculator feature, which enables its users to find the high, low, and average prices of any used medical device, part or accessory.

The Market Value Calculator works by analyzing the pricing trends on the extensive selection of used medical equipment that is currently or was previously posted on MedWOW. Users can modify their searches based on item type (i.e. complete system, part or accessory), medical category, device, manufacturer, model, part name or number (for parts), and year manufactured.

The feature has its clear cut advantages for buyers, but also offers MeWOW’s sellers an upper hand - access to the true market value will reduce sellers’ chances of overpricing or undercharging for items that they post for sale on the site, ultimately increasing their chances of selling. Currently MedWOW is the only website in its class offering users this feature, which is available to the site’s registered members as well as browsing users.

View the Market Value Calculator

Buy and Sell Stocks of Medical Supplies Online

Many players in the medical supply industry often experience situations in which they are left with huge stocks of surplus instruments that they no longer have the need for. This issue can affect the entire spectrum of organizations in the industry, right from manufacturers to end-users; for instance - a manufacturer that is left with a bulk of supplies that have not been sold, or a hospital that is left with an unnecessary bulk of injection needles, or a private clinic leftover with a bulk of bandages that were never used, or any other organization that otherwise distributes or purchases medical supplies.

More likely than not, these organizations just have to write-off their losses with these stocks and these medical supplies end up sitting in boxes for prolonged periods of time, taking up valuable space and collecting dust. However, what if there was a way that these organizations cut their losses by easily clearing their surplus stocks? Chances are that they would jump on the opportunity., an online marketplace that has seen enormous success with the used medical equipment industry, has now expanded its reach to the medical supply market by offering capabilities to buy and sell entire stocks of medical supplies in bulk. The addition to the site comes after extensive industry demand for such an option, from buyers and sellers all over the world.

Medical supply sellers can now use MedWOW’s new selling option to liquidate entire stocks of their medical supplies in one shot, including items such as: gloves, bandages, injection needles, nursing clothes, swabs, surgical gowns, medical shoe covers, blood lancets surgical scalpels, or any other medical supplies commonly sold in bulk. The sellers’ medical supply can be in new, refurbished or used condition, depending on the item.

In addition to being able to utilize the site to sell their medical supplies, sellers can also accelerate the turnaround time on their sales with the ability to post item-depicting videos of their medical supply, and therefore eliminating the need to send sample items to buyers prior to completing the sale.

For buyers, MedWOW’s new feature means having a one-stop-shop to turn to for their medical supply needs, as the items listed have a wide range of categories, rather than catering to one specific medical category. Additionally, buyers have an increased probability of finding the exact medical supply that they are looking for, since the site has supplies listed by sellers from all over the world.

Even with the addition of the medical supplies feature, MedWOW is still actively progressing with its original efforts of connecting buyers and sellers of used medical equipment, parts, and accessories from around the world.

View medical supplies posted on MedWOW