
Making Sense of PET-CT Combination Scanning

Positron emission tomography (PET) and computerized tomography (CT) are both modern imaging tools that allow healthcare professionals to identify the site of cancer within patients to facilitate more effective treatment recommendations. The highly sensitive PET scan images the biology of disorders at the molecular level, while the CT scan provides a detailed picture of the body's internal anatomy. The PET/CT scan combines the strengths of these two well-established imaging modalities into a single scan.

The CT scan is able to perceive and concentrate on changes in the body structure or anatomy, such as the size, shape and exact location of an abnormal growth, tumor or musculoskeletal injury.

A PET scan is very different from ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. A PET scan allows the doctor to distinguish between living and dead tissue or between benign and malignant disorders. Since a PET scan images the biology of disorders at the molecular level, it can help the physician detect abnormalities in cellular activity at a very early stage, and even before anatomic changes are visible.

Alone, each imaging test has particular benefits and limitations, but by combining these PET and CT scanning technologies, physicians can more accurately diagnose, localize and monitor cancer, as well as heart disease and certain brain disorders.

PET-CT has revolutionalized many fields of medical diagnosis, by adding the precision of anatomic localization to functional imaging, which was previously lacking in pure PET imaging. Although the combined device of complex PET-CT parts is considerably more expensive, it has the advantage of providing both functions as stand-alone examinations, being, in fact, two imaging devices in one.

A PET-CT scan helps medical professionals diagnose problems which determine the best approach for treatment or monitoring progress. Cancer cells grow very quickly and growing cells use glucose as a primary source of energy. The faster the cells grow, the more glucose is consumed by them.

A PET-CT scanner detects where positrons are being produced from within the body and provides images that map the locations. PET FDG mapping is combined with a CT image’s structural detail in order to identify both the presence of disease and its precise location.

Combining the two techniques greatly benefits the patients as physicians can not only tell which cells are cancerous, they can pinpoint where the cells are, so they can more effectively develop the proper treatment plans.

PET-CT scans are usually performed for one of the following purposes:

  • Cancer detection.
  • To determine if a cancer has spread in the body.
  • To assess the effectiveness of a treatment plan, i.e. to determine if a cancer has returned after treatment.
  • To find out about blood flow to the heart muscle.
  • To establish the effects of a myocardial infarction.
  • To identify areas of the heart muscle that would benefit from a procedure such as angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery (in combination with a myocardial perfusion scan).
  • To evaluate brain abnormalities, such as tumors, memory disorders and seizures and other central nervous system disorders.
  • To map normal brain and heart function.

MedWOW, the multilingual global medical equipment platform, offers a large selection of both new and used PET-CT combination scanners for sale from inventories all over the world. Currently featuring PET-CT scanners and PET-CT parts from Esaote, GE Healthcare, Hitachi, Philips Siemens and Toshiba, locating even difficult-to-find items is easier than ever.

If there is a particular PET-CT scanner or PET-CT part than you can’t find in MedWOW’s representative inventories, you can post a request or take advantage of any of MedWOW’s location services.

Digital Mammography Systems: Much More Than the Sum of Their Parts

More and more medical facilities are realizing than rather than buying new mammography units, it is more economical to replace worn-out or broken mammography parts.

The newer mammography units are digital, providing the best imaging technology available for breast cancer screening. A digital mammogram unit, comprised of complex mammography parts, uses compression and x-rays to image the breast, but instead of capturing the image on film as with traditional mammography, the image is captured to a computer as a digital image file. Also called a full-field digital mammogram (FFDM), this technology compares well with film mammography and will benefit younger women the most, as it has been shown the older film method is more effective with women over the ages of 65. This technology allows the mammogram to be enlarged or magnified to provide the best quality picture and facilitates images being electronically filed and stored in a computer mammography part, where they can be accessed in seconds. The benefit of breast screening is early detection of breast cancer. The digital breast screening picks up very small, early stage breast cancer. The use of digital mammography improvs the ability to deliver better treatment options, better outcomes and more integrated breast health care for women. Cancer touches the lives of so many individuals and families and new technologies will further enhance the technologies and therapies medical facilities currently have in place for cancer diagnosis and care.

Digital mammograms are faster than film mammograms, because there is no film to develop. The image can be sent immediately to the radiologist for viewing. If the image is unclear, it can be retaken. This may help reduce mammogram callbacks and stress on patients.

Once mammographic images are sent to the computer mammography part, the radiologist can view them on a monitor, much as one would look at digital photos. On this special computer mammography part, the physician can closely examine the images by zooming in, adjusting the image brightness, or changing the contrast, making all areas of the breast easier to see. If the doctor wants to consult a breast specialist about the mammogram, the digital image files can be electronically sent to other sites for examination (telemammography). Computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) can be used on the digital images to help the radiologist analyze the overall images, and flag areas that need closer study. CAD can find tumors that a radiologist might not spot. Once a CAD analysis has been done, a radiologist will do a visual check of those areas, and based on training and experience, decide how serious the mass may actually be.

Currently, stereo digital mammograms are being done in clinical trials for women who were called back after an abnormal routine mammogram. A stereo digital mammogram combines two digital breast x-rays taken from different angles, and produces a detailed three-dimensional image of the breast's internal structure. Such stereo images must be viewed on a special workstation mammography part by a specially trained radiologist.

Film mammography is still widely available, and digital mammography systems cost about 1.5 to 4 times more than film systems. Several different companies make digital mammography systems that have been given FDA approval.

MedWOW, the global medical equipment platform, represents a large selection, nearly 5,200, mammography parts from many major manufacturers including: Bennett X-Ray, Continental Trex, Elscint, GE Healthcare, Hologic, Instrumentarium, Lorad, Philips, Siemens and more.

For medical facilities who have film-based or digital systems, MedWOW offers mammography parts manufactured from 1998 – 2011, from dealers all over the world. If you don’t find the specific mammography part you seek, you can post a mammography part request on MedWOW and it is likely you will receive several competitive mammography part quotes.

Understanding Cath Labs and Cat Lab Parts

Cardiac catheterization is a universal procedure used to diagnose and treat a broad range of heart problems in children and adults. Often, the best repair of heart problems that once required open-heart surgery can now be provided in a cardiac catheterization laboratory, also known as cath lab.

The cath lab is outfitted with digital imaging equipment and computers for fluoroscopy and cineangiogram (movies of the heart) that allow for precise assessment of heart problems. A diagnostic cardiac catheterization provides information that assists cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in treating patients with heart defects. An interventional catheterization can provide a non-surgical treatment of a congenital or acquired cardiovascular disorder.

Cardiac cath labs are comprised of several types of cath lab parts with imaging equipment at the foundation. An early decision regarding this equipment and cath lab parts is necessary to allow the medical facility planners to best make use the system’s specifics in the procedure room layout. The facility should select cath lab equipment based on population needs (current and long term) and physician/staff preferences, while still keeping in mind the hospital’s budget.

Cardiac imaging systems typically have a smaller image intensifier cath lab part size to provide a more concentrated area of focus. If the procedure room will also be used for peripheral studies, consider a dual intensifier size system that will allow for larger areas of focus. If peripheral work is to be done in this setting, the C-arm cath lab part should allow for full table panning to include the legs.

Flat panel cath lab part technology is now available and becoming more common. Conventional digital imaging uses a fluoroscopic imaging chain including an analog image intensifier, while flat panel imaging converts the x-ray signals into digital images. Flat panel cath lab part technology reduces the radiation dose required for imaging.

Rotational angiography, which allows for 3-D imaging of the arteries, is another cath lab part equipment option offered by most of the major manufacturers.

Make sure that the table, another important cath lab part, has a weight capacity as high as possible. Most vendors can offer a table with a capacity of up to 450 pounds. To allow for stretcher positioning, the table should also be able to rotate sideways a minimum of ninety degrees. Cath lab part tables may be floor or ceiling-mounted and are generally selected as to what is available from a particular manufacturers and what is required by the room’s physical limitations.

Standard cath lab part equipment options that should be packaged with the imaging equipment include:

  • Table accessories such as arm boards and extenders
  • Overhead and table lead shielding
  • Overhead surgical light
  • The power injector