
New Developments in Cardiology Probes

Cardiac ultrasounds, or electrocardiograms, utilize sonography to create detailed images of the heart and capture the complex patterns in which its valves and chambers move. M-mode ultrasound, also referred to as mobile mode or time-motion ultrasound echoes a stationary transducer beam from the reflector of a movable probe.


Ophthalmologists diagnose and treat diseases and conditions of the eye, perform surgery on the eye, provide preventive care and correct patients’ vision.


Pathology focuses on studying, diagnosing and characterizing diseases, including their causes and mechanisms, and resulting cellular and clinical changes.

Cardiothoracic Surgery

Cardiothoracic surgery focuses on treatment of the heart and lungs—the organs within the chest cavity—and includes surgery to correct heart malformations, repair pathology within the heart, and to treat lung conditions including cancer, emphysema, esophageal cancer and mediastinal diseases.

Medical Ventilators

Medical ventilators enable patients who cannot breathe on their own by alternately forcing air—either ambient air or a mixture of air and oxygen--into their lungs mechanically.

Hospital Engineering

Hospitals are complex environments that encompass multiple sophisticated, mission-critical medical, infrastructure and operating systems. Engineering is an essential element of hospital design and engineers are integral to smooth hospital operations and efficient service delivery.