
Sophisticated Search Engine for Used Medical Equipment

It is no surprise that the ecommerce age is well underway. Countless consumers and businesses have realized that the internet offers quick, simple and convenient solutions that can save time and money. Consequently, an increasing number of used medical equipment professionals have jumped onboard the trend of ecommerce to buy and sell used medical equipment online. The internet gives this market instant access to the used medical equipment that they require, which may have taken days to locate otherwise.

Since the main objective of turning to the web is saving time, it is essential that a website has the ability to offer its users quick results.

At we operate an online marketplace which gives used medical equipment professionals the quick results that they sought after by turning to the internet. We offers users quick, precise, and relevant results for their searches, through its sophisticated, yet easy-to-use search engine.

The site has implemented the latest technology by offering its users the capability to search through an extensive catalog of used medical equipment, with three different search options.

The ‘Quick Search’ allows users to type a free-text search based on the device, manufacturer or model name, or by the part or accessory name or number. This search is capable of finding devices that may be known by more than one name (e.g. CT, CAT Scanner, Computerized Tomography Scanner, etc.) and also by different names of models or manufacturers, that are a result of the company being acquired by another company.

Those looking for more precise search results can use our website ‘Advanced Search’, which allows users to search for a specific model by selecting the specific medical category, device, manufacturer and model.

Additionally, the site’s ‘Category Search’ offers users a step-by-step search, which enables them to browse through all equipment classified under a particular category, device, manufacturer, or model.

Aside from the search options, we have implemented an innovative results page, with search filters that help users to quickly find the exact equipment that they need. Search results can be filtered by many parameters: from manufacturer, to price range, to year manufactured, to geographic location, and even to particular technical specifications (e.g. the number of slices that a CT Scanner is capable of).

To facilitate in finding the exact item, we have implemented three different used medical equipment catalogs, one for Complete Systems, one for Parts, and one for Accessories. Therefore, if a user is looking for a CT Tube (a part), he wouldn’t have to waste time browsing through CT Scanners (complete systems), which are not even relevant to him.

Needless to say, our search options and catalog are extremely valuable for medical facilities looking for quick and precise results to their used medical equipment needs. However, sellers also have access to search options that operate in the same manner, just with a Wanted Item catalog. The Wanted Item catalog includes all postings made by buyers regarding particular items that they are looking to purchase. Sellers can search this catalog to see which buyers are looking for equipment that corresponds to the inventory that they sell.

In addition to the sophisticated search engine, we developed many more innovative features specifically designed to provide online solutions for used medical equipment professionals. visit our website to learn more

Simplified Process for Purchasing Used Medical Equipment

June 15, 2009 - Health institutions worldwide have recognized that it is more affordable to replace their current outdated equipment with second hand or refurbished medical equipment. One of the main issues concerning the used medical equipment industry is staying up-to-date with the latest market values and equipment price depreciation. These issues may pose an obstacle to many health institutions, which may not be aware of the actual costs at which they can purchase used medical equipment, and are often times taken advantage of., an online marketplace that connects buyers, sellers and service providers around the world, provides an ideal online marketplace for trading used medical equipment on a global scale.

In an industry where time and money is crucial, MedWOW’s Professional Purchasing Service offers buyers of used medical equipment a one-stop-shop for their medical equipment requirements. On top of saving buyer’s time and money, the service gives its users the confidence of knowing that qualified medical equipment experts are handling the entire process.

The site’s unique Professional Purchasing Service lets buyers benefit from having MedWOW’s highly qualified team of medical equipment experts handle their purchasing process from start to finish.

From assisting buyers in preparing their desired specifications requirements, to contacting the relevant sellers, to handling negotiations, to finding training, MedWOW’s Professional Purchasing Service offers buyers comprehensive solutions, whatever their medical equipment needs may be.

Amongst many benefits, MedWOW’s Professional Purchasing Service ensures that the buyer always receives the best deal for the equipment purchased. Since MedWOW’s experts’ primary focus is used medical equipment, they have an up-to-date knowledge of the latest prices, enabling them to conduct highly-effective price negotiations, and ultimately passing on these savings to the buyers.

To learn more about MedWOW’s Professional Purchasing Service click here: MedWOW Professional Purchasing Service

Can Used Medical Equipment be Safely Purchased Online?, an innovative online marketplace specifically designed for used medical equipment professionals, establishes trust between buyers and sellers in the used medical equipment market, with its Inspections Service.

June 9, 2009 - Used medical equipment can be a very cost-effective and practical solution for health institutions looking to equip their clinics, hospitals, or rehabilitation centers, especially in loom of the global financial recession. As a result, international key-players in the used medical equipment industry are increasingly turning to the internet to find the equipment that they are looking for. While the internet offers immediate options and opens doors to many possibilities, buyers must be very wary when making purchases, as the majority of websites catering to this niche market do not have the means of guaranteeing the condition of devices sold through their websites.

The cost of second hand medical equipment can be very high, and its performance can be a vital factor contributing to the devices effectiveness in treating patients, and potentially saving lives. Therefore, buyers cannot solely depend on the seller’s word that the equipment is in a “great condition,” and most often invest a great deal of their own time and effort in verifying that the device they are looking to purchase operates correctly. This can often be a very long and complicated process, that buyers may not know even how to get underway, especially for international purchases., an online marketplace for buying and selling used medical equipment, offers a convenient solution which facilities buyers and sellers to guarantee the condition of used medical equipment traded online.

Amongst many innovative features, the site offers a one-of-a-kind pre-purchase inspection service, to allow buyers to guarantee the condition of the item prior to making a purchase.

The site has an established Global Inspectors Network that offers buyers and sellers the option to have various types of inspections performed on items of used medical equipment, prior to finalizing a transaction. The inspectors are carefully selected on the basis of a variety of mandatory parameters, including: their manufacturer certification, previous industry experience, technical specialization, geographic location and more.

Since the inspection service operates on a global scale, it greatly facilitates the trade between users in different countries. Therefore, users that are making a purchase with a seller from another country should feel comfortable with their purchase.

Each specific device has its own set of professionally compiled inspection forms, and users can select from a variety of different inspection forms or submit their own customized form.

Additionally, users can also choose from a variety of technical supervision services that can be performed to guarantee that the item is properly dismantled and packaged prior to shipping.

The inspections can be ordered by buyers prior to making a purchase or by sellers prior to selling an item, with the inspection report made available to potential buyers on the website. In either case the service reinforces trust and peace-of-mind and greatly reduces the potential for future conflict between both sides of the transaction.

Perhaps one of the most convenient elements of the entire process is that it is entirely managed by MedWOW online. Therefore users do not have to invest any time or effort, yet are protected from the risks of purchasing faulty items.

MedWOW’s main goal is to provide its users with a safe and secure platform to buy and sell used medical equipment online. Aside from the inspection services, the site also offers escrow services, mediation and arbitration services, and a rating program to promote ethical trading.

To learn more about MedWOW’s inspection services click here: Inspection Services

MedWOW is now available in French

The release of MedWOW's French version will bring about a world of possibilities for the French speaking market, significantly increasing business opportunities. In addition, users from countries around the world can now easily trade used medical equipment with the French speaking market.
The French language addition is just one of MedWOW's many efforts in facilitating buyers, sellers, and service providers with the global trade of used medical equipment.