
Can Used Medical Equipment be Safely Purchased Online?, an innovative online marketplace specifically designed for used medical equipment professionals, establishes trust between buyers and sellers in the used medical equipment market, with its Inspections Service.

June 9, 2009 - Used medical equipment can be a very cost-effective and practical solution for health institutions looking to equip their clinics, hospitals, or rehabilitation centers, especially in loom of the global financial recession. As a result, international key-players in the used medical equipment industry are increasingly turning to the internet to find the equipment that they are looking for. While the internet offers immediate options and opens doors to many possibilities, buyers must be very wary when making purchases, as the majority of websites catering to this niche market do not have the means of guaranteeing the condition of devices sold through their websites.

The cost of second hand medical equipment can be very high, and its performance can be a vital factor contributing to the devices effectiveness in treating patients, and potentially saving lives. Therefore, buyers cannot solely depend on the seller’s word that the equipment is in a “great condition,” and most often invest a great deal of their own time and effort in verifying that the device they are looking to purchase operates correctly. This can often be a very long and complicated process, that buyers may not know even how to get underway, especially for international purchases., an online marketplace for buying and selling used medical equipment, offers a convenient solution which facilities buyers and sellers to guarantee the condition of used medical equipment traded online.

Amongst many innovative features, the site offers a one-of-a-kind pre-purchase inspection service, to allow buyers to guarantee the condition of the item prior to making a purchase.

The site has an established Global Inspectors Network that offers buyers and sellers the option to have various types of inspections performed on items of used medical equipment, prior to finalizing a transaction. The inspectors are carefully selected on the basis of a variety of mandatory parameters, including: their manufacturer certification, previous industry experience, technical specialization, geographic location and more.

Since the inspection service operates on a global scale, it greatly facilitates the trade between users in different countries. Therefore, users that are making a purchase with a seller from another country should feel comfortable with their purchase.

Each specific device has its own set of professionally compiled inspection forms, and users can select from a variety of different inspection forms or submit their own customized form.

Additionally, users can also choose from a variety of technical supervision services that can be performed to guarantee that the item is properly dismantled and packaged prior to shipping.

The inspections can be ordered by buyers prior to making a purchase or by sellers prior to selling an item, with the inspection report made available to potential buyers on the website. In either case the service reinforces trust and peace-of-mind and greatly reduces the potential for future conflict between both sides of the transaction.

Perhaps one of the most convenient elements of the entire process is that it is entirely managed by MedWOW online. Therefore users do not have to invest any time or effort, yet are protected from the risks of purchasing faulty items.

MedWOW’s main goal is to provide its users with a safe and secure platform to buy and sell used medical equipment online. Aside from the inspection services, the site also offers escrow services, mediation and arbitration services, and a rating program to promote ethical trading.

To learn more about MedWOW’s inspection services click here: Inspection Services

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