
Online Marketplace Simplifies Finding Medical Parts & Accessories

Medical facilities regularly experience situations when medical equipment that has ceased to function is attributed to a broken or damaged part or accessory. When dealing with devices that are used to monitor, treat, and diagnose patients, a malfunctioning part or accessory can have huge implications on the facility’s capacity to provide effective medical services. Facilities therefore feel that it is imperative to find appropriate replacement parts and accessories for medical equipment that is out of order, so that the device can quickly be restored into working order and be capable of providing medical solutions to patients. Nevertheless, finding a replacement part or accessory for a medical device may not always be the easiest task to tackle since there are so many different variations of devices, models, compatibility issues, and other contributing elements which can make finding the right part an extremely confusing experience. - a global marketplace for pre-owned medical equipment has recognized the issue that medical facilities face when seeking to find replacement parts or accessories for their equipment. The site has developed two unique catalogs in addition to its complete systems catalog – one devoted solely to medical parts and the other to medical accessories. The site’s dedicated catalogs make finding the right item a quick and simple task, and MedWOW is the only marketplace in its class offering such advanced capabilities.

When searching for a part or an accessory, precision is key - a simple discrepancy in a part or accessory number may mean that the part will be incompatible with the device. Therefore, MedWOW offers users precise filtering options which allow them to narrow down search results without having to browse irrelevant listings.

In addition to the filtering options, MedWOW’s users can search by very specific parameters such as the part or accessory’s name, number and version.

Another element that is a common issue for facilities in search of replacement parts or accessories is the compatibility factor; some parts or accessories are compatible with more than one model, and if not previously informed, facilities can aimlessly search for items under the wrong model name. Both MedWOW’s parts and accessories catalogs save user’s time and increase the accuracy of his/her searches by displaying a unique feature that indicates all of the models that a part or an accessory is compatible with.

View Used Medical Parts on MedWOW
View Used Medical Accessories on MedWOW

About MedWOW is an innovative online marketplace specifically designed for used medical equipment professionals. The site connects buyers, sellers and service providers from around the world through unique online tools and features.
To learn more about MedWOW, please click here.

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Fax: + 357 22 022509

1 comment:

  1. Medical facilities regularly experience situations when medical equipment that has ceased to function is attributed to a broken or damaged part or accessory. When dealing with devices that are used to monitor, treat, and diagnose patients, a malfunctioning part or accessory can have huge implications on the facility’s capacity to provide effective medical services.

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