
The Technology of CT Scanner Detectors: from 1 to 256 Slices and Beyond

The CT scanner is made up of a complex combination of an x-ray source, detectors and computers, which produce high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the body. The patient lies on a table that passes through a gantry which resembles a donut hole, containing the x-ray tube and multiple detectors. The walls of the opening into the gantry are wedge-shaped, designed so that claustrophobia is not a considerable problem in most cases. A series of cross-sectional images are taken of the area to be examined in a matter of seconds. The raw data from the multiple detectors are then reconstructed by specially programmed computers, to present images of the internal structures of the area scanned.

The 64-slice CT scanner detector is a scanner that is able to take more than one image or slice at a time, when the x-ray beam makes one complete rotation around the patient. A single slice or non-multi-slice CT scanner detector takes only one slice or image as the x-ray beam makes a complete rotation around the patient. A 64-slice CT scanner detector can take up to 64 slices or images in one rotation. The more detectors a CT scanner detector has, the more slices per rotation it is able to acquire. The number of slices per rotation is equal to the number of detectors. A 64-slice CT scanner detector can acquire 64 slices of anatomy per rotation.

A 64-slice scanner can image a high-resolution picture of a heart, brain or a pair of lungs in about five seconds. A scan of the whole body, (in search of a blood clot, for example,) takes about 30 seconds.

The technology has been particularly exciting for studying the beating heart, providing the first clear non-invasive images of the heart and its major vessels. The scans can be timed to use only images gathered between heartbeats, so that the heart and its vessels can be seen without the blurring caused by motion.

The scanners are beginning to have an impact on cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well. According to US statistics, nearly 60 percent of CT scans at some hospitals are done for cancer. The speed and precision of these new CT scanner detectors not only improves the image quality, but also allows medical professionals to study dynamic processes instead of just monitoring changes in tumor size. The newer technologies in CT scanner detectors provide an early view of how a patient is responding to therapy, and helps predict, rather than merely describe responses to treatment modalities.

Other promising indications for multi-slice scanners include evaluation of plaque within the carotid arteries (5 to 8 seconds), searching for pulmonary emboli (5 seconds), coronary artery imaging (10 seconds, including distal segments and multiple arterial branches).

Once used primarily in cranial imaging, multi-slice CT has undergone a scientific renaissance that’s made it the medical device system of choice in an increasingly varied variety of clinical applications. But, as the history of the CT scanner detector reveals, the road from one slice to 256 is paved with enormous strides in technical innovation, especially in CT scanner detector design and technology.

The latest advances in the technology include up to 256-slice multi- CT scanner detectors. With the latest advances in computer technology, CT scanners have infinitely improved patent comfort, as they are now much faster and the images they produce are of a far higher resolution than ever before, allowing medical professionals to get the clearest possible image of the nature of the disease or irregularity and how it can best be treated.

Some of the advantages of 256-slice multi-detector CT scanner detectors include:
  • Faster imaging time of just 0.27 seconds per scanning rotation reduces radiation exposure by 30%.
  • The images created by the CT scanner detector can be reconstructed by powerful computers to create remarkably clear and accurate 3-dimensional images.
  • Improved diagnosis of coronary artery stenosis due to higher resolution images than previous 64-slice multi-detector CT scanner detectors.
  • Reduced volume of iodinated contrast agent used.
  • Ability to provide accurate diagnosis for coronary artery disease in patient with heart rates over 70 beats per minute without beta blocker administration.
The leading marketplace for medical equipment and CT scanner detectors, MedWOW, plays an essential role in the international market by providing good-quality CT scanner detectors. When purchasing or selling a CT scanner detector, MedWOW has the market, the platform and the buyers. MedWOW has recently upgraded its imaging and CT scanner detector catalogue with various manufacturers, refurbished equipment and new and used CT scanner detectors.


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