
What is Image- Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)?

How Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) Came to Be
Image-guided radiotherapy, or IGRT as it is commonly known, evolved from IMRT. IMRT provides far greater beam shaping capabilities than 3D radiation therapy, in this manner allowing more sophisticated and precise treatment. However, radiologists continued to require a safety margin for error for all treatments because of the intrinsic doubt of exact tumor location each and every day.  For example, the prostate moves in a multitude of directions each day depending on how full or empty the bladder and rectum are. In the past, even with IMRT, Drs would need to add a safety margin around the prostate to account for this day-to-day variability in prostate location.  This added margin resulted in a larger target (prostate) to be treated with radiation and more of the bladder and rectum included within the radiation field, thereby, increasing the risk of damage to these healthy organs. Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) has changed all of this. IGRT does exactly what its name states: it uses the image of the target to guide the delivery of radiation for each and every treatment. 

Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), the All-Digital Treatment System
Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), the all-digital treatment system, allows physicians to see a patient’s tumor in real- time at treatment, even if a tumor has moved - because of a patient's breathing, heartbeat, gastrointestinal changes or other activities. Tumors also change their position and their size during the course of radiotherapy treatment, which typically consists of multiple treatments over several weeks.
At the start of radiotherapy, technicians take a CT scan of a tumor and enter that data into a treatment-planning system. Image-Guided Radiotherapy IGRT software produces a three-dimensional, digitized image of the patient's tumor, sharply identifying the slightest contour. Once that image is captured, it can be recalled for every treatment session. If significant tumor movement has occurred, physicians can then adjust the patient's position or, if required, re-do the treatment plan, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
 Why Use Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)?
With Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), physicians can match the radiation beam to the precise shape of your tumor far more precisely reducing the total amount of radiation you using built-in imaging technology at ultra-low doses.  The Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) reduces or eliminates the need for implanting markers, as physicians can visualize soft tissue detail using imaging tools. Tumors that were previously untreatable, because of their proximity to organs or the spinal cord can now receive treatment, which is a huge advance in treatment methods.

The MedWOW Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) Solution
MedWOW features a comprehensive selection of new, used and refurbished radiology equipment, including complete image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) systems by Nomos, especially the Nomos Bat Belfry.
As the largest global online marketplace for all kinds of medical equipment, MedWOW features a comprehensive searchable catalogue that allows you to filter for make, manufacturer, continent, condition, price range, seller’s business type, and other filters particular to radiology equipment.
If you don’t find the specific image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) system you are looking for, you can post a free buying request which typically will bring you a number of competitive quotes from some of MedWOW’s worldwide sellers.