
Tips For Buying Used Or Refurbished Medical Equipment

Medical Equipment
Healthcare providers are increasingly interested in buying used or refurbished medical equipment so that they can save money while not sacrificing quality care. There are many things to consider when purchasing used equipment. The equipment must meet the high standards of care in your practice. The vendor must be able to guarantee the same functionality as new equipment. Ask about warranty coverage and servicing. Another important consideration is if the product is safe for clinical use. Does the vendor have a good reputation? Customer service is extremely important, as you need a representative who will guarantee a smooth transaction. If purchasing the equipment online, make sure that your purchasing information, such as, credit card and account information is confidential and secure.

A good buyer needs to be aware of product obsolescence. Some technology does not change much over the years. Blood pressure cuffs from eight years ago are the same as those used today. However, laser hair removal devices generally need to be very up to date, no more than a year or two old, in order to provide quality care, as the technology and standard of care advance rapidly. Make sure the seller is transparent about how long the product will be able to provide quality use and what warranties they are willing to provide. Some medical equipment needs to be appropriately sterilized, such as surgical instruments. You need to know what autoclaving and sterilization procedures the seller used.

MedWOW, Inc. is the leading online marketplace for used and refurbished medical equipment. They connect buyers and sellers of new and used medical equipment with over 250,000 items posted for sale and auction. MedWOW offers a free buyer’s guide with tips on buying a large assortment of equipment. The guide contains information on over 300 medical devices, as well as things to ask the seller about the equipment for sale.


  1. These are really helpful tips for buying refurbished medical equipment

  2. Thank you Ryan!
    You're welcome to download MedWOW's complete 'Medical quipment Buying Guide' here -
