
Buying and Selling Used Medical Equipment on the Web

In recent years, selling used and refurbished medical equipment online has become a growth industry. Previously, used equipment was either simply discarded or purchased by major equipment manufacturers as a service to customers, or to encourage them to upgrade or switch
from another manufacturer’s equipment. The major manufacturers would refurbish the equipment and resell it at a profit.

In the medical equipment industry, as in so many others, the Internet serves as a great equalizer. Sites now connect buyers, sellers and service providers from all over the world, enabling hospitals and medical centers that are upgrading to maximize return on their existing equipment, and those that are in need of additional equipment, but short on funds, to stretch their dollars and purchase modern, highly functional equipment that is almost good as new. Diagnostic and imaging equipment, operating rooms, and hospital room furnishings are commonly available online.

For hospitals and medical centers seeking to divest equipment in anticipation of an upgrade, as well as for purchasers, know-how and support are particularly important in selecting an online vendor. For the purchaser, a knowledgeable, qualified vendor is better able to expertly assess the condition of the equipment; can be relied upon to perform any necessary maintenance or repairs; and backs warranties with expert service. As such, by dealing with a qualified vendor, hospitals or medical centers that are replacing their equipment can be assured that they are receiving a good price for the legacy equipment they are selling.

A number of factors, both positive and negative, are spurring the growth in online sales and auctions of used medical equipment. On the positive side, advances in technology have led to acceleration in the product development cycle. Patient demand for the latest diagnostic procedures and treatments prompts healthcare providers to upgrade still-functional equipment to newer devices in order to maintain their competitive position. Web-based sales of legacy equipment allow medical care providers to partially finance their new acquisitions.

On a less positive note, the weak economy has led to the downsizing and closure of many hospitals and medical facilities. Medical equipment may be liquidated to repay debts. In these cases, by obscuring the difficult straits of the seller, online sellers of medical equipment are able to obtain better prices and provide critical funds for debt settlement.

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